Where Can I Take Kizuki Journaling Sessions?

There are two ways to experience Kizuki Journaling sessions:

・Attend a session led by Mae Yoshikawa.
・Join a session with a certified Kizuki Journaling facilitator.

Mae Yoshikawa's Sessions

Kizuki Journaling with Mae Yoshikawa is currently available exclusively in Japanese for subscribed members of the MAE Y Community. English sessions are coming soon.


MAE Y Community (Japanese)

Certified Facilitator's Sessions

How does it feel to experience Kizuki Journaling under the professional guidance of a trained facilitator?
Certified Facilitators provide support, guidance, and a safe space for you to engage in an authentic writing meditation experience. We believe in the power of each individual to discover their own answers from within. Our facilitators skillfully help you access your inner wisdom—empowering you to choose your thoughts… and therefore, your life.

See the List of Certified Facilitators

In addition to regular sessions, Mae Yoshikawa may also lead events and special workshops outside the MAE Y Community. For details, please check the "News" section on the TOP page.